1 - masterclass TAO MOVEMENT CLASS (German/Deutsch)

2 - masterclass SENSUALITY RITUAL: PARTNER CLASS (English)

How to prepare:

For the 5 senses ritual, it would be ideal to gather things that will activate each sense (and of course, you may have limited access depending on your quarantine situation, so please make do with whatever you have and be creative!)

You’ll want to set up your space to be cozy, comfortable and safe, with candles or low light and privacy if possible. 

Items to activate the senses (note you only need one item for each sense per person, but you can go all out if you desire!):

  • Taste: fruit, chocolate or some other food you can feed each other + either very clean hands or a fork

  • Smell: Essential oil, amazing perfume, or something creative like a flower that can be smelled

  • Touch: Use your hands, sponge, nails, or faux fur, or a scarf…whatever tactile things you like! Become creative! 

  • Sounds + Sight: you don’t need to prepare anything special.

    You can do this with a lover. Also you could give it as a gift to a friend. Or to yourself – there is guidance in the video on how you do it this ritual with yourself.

    Start at min 1:40

3 - masterclass BREAST MASSAGE INTRO (English)

© Copyright – 2020
Claudia Shankari Zimmermann